

Second shoot

Some best from the second shoot, which shows the cat hidden there give the feeling of scary.


First shoot

Contact sheet

There are some images I chose from contact sheet, just want to create the feeling about what is the cat focused on as well as the favorite places he hidden to stalk his master.


Final proposal

Aims and Objectives:
Going to use cat‘s point of view to tell a story, like the feeling he feel different at home and outside.

Using cat‘s view, low angle to take the photos, giving the feeling of relax when he at home,but  nervous when he outside, which I am going to use shutter speed to record people and cars moving but specific on his master standing there which is obvious, and he is look at her back. This is one of image, for other image I am going to take photos in different places and different time which shows after he abandon by his master, and going to different place, scary, hopeless, hidden behind many places.

Change to cat‘s point of view , showing how they feel in different places, and  record the feeling of when his master abandoning him. Just showing cats has their realization of the world, and they actually like spending time with their owner. as well as they feel safe.


5 images to focus on from home feeling to outside feeling, which is from relax to scray, the feeling of the world. Print out images as well.